About SBM Group

About SBM Group

A leading financial services provider in Mauritius.

The SBM Group is a leading banking and financial services player in Mauritius, and has been contributing to the country’s socio-economic development since its inception in 1973.

It is actively involved in the Asia-Africa corridor by means of dedicated banking subsidiaries operating in India, Madagascar and Kenya. The Group is committed to creating long-term value for its stakeholders by offering bespoke solutions to individual, corporate and institutional clients in the banking and non-banking financial fields in Mauritius and internationally. The Group entities are guided by clear strategic orientations to grow their businesses, while preserving the soundness of their operations. The SBM Group is the third-largest listed entity on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius, with a market capitalisation of MUR 13.8 billion as at 31 December 2023.

It is the holding company of various subsidiaries that operate under three clusters: Banking, Non-Banking-Financial and Non-Financial. The SBM Group has over 100 branches, with more than 3,300 employees in various geographical locations.

Our Vision

To be one of the leading and trusted financial service providers in our geographies of presence, driven by innovation and technology.

Our Mission

To achieve strong and sustainable returns for our shareholders, meet the relevant needs of our stakeholders and support the development of the community at large.

NEVER SHARE your Card Number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password, or URN with anyone, as it can lead to unauthorised access to your account. | DIAL 1930 FOR ONLINE FINANCIAL FRAUD. REPORT ANY CYBERCRIME AT WWW.CYBERCRIME.GOV.IN | Dear Customer, in line with RBI regulation, if there are any changes/updates in the KYC documents you previously submitted with the Bank, please provide the updated documents within 30 days of such changes.