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Ensure your Digital Banking Security and protect yourself from online banking fraud

Online banking from the comfort of your couch, at any time of the day or night, makes everything you do with your finance convenient.
However, you must understand the potential risks involved, along with the necessary measures you must undertake to prevent online financial fraud.

The dos and don'ts listed below will help you secure account from online banking frauds:


  • Memorize your banking credentials & keep them confidential
  • Register your mobile phone number & email address with your bank
  • Ensure you are on your official bank website address, & it is secured with "HTTPS"
  • Enable the SMS notifications on your mobile banking app to be alerted of any transactions being performed
  • Use a strong password for your online banking applications
  • Always ensure that your bank account application & other software on your devices are up to date
  • Clear all your sensitive data from your devices before disposing them
  • Regularly review your transaction history to check for unauthorized transactions
  • Inform your bank immediately if your account or account details are compromised
  • Only install trusted third-party applications on your device as some may contain malware that could compromise your mobile banking security.
  • Before downloading or installing Apps: -
    a. Review app details like the number of downloads, user reviews and comments sections.
    b. Verify App and grant permission with relevant context for the App's purpose.
  • Keep your device’s operating system and mobile banking app updated to the latest version.
  • Always download your bank's mobile app from official app stores.


  • Don't use "Save Password" for your credentials or automatic login for your online banking account
  • Don't reveal your banking credentials or OTP to anyone, especially through Email/SMS/Phone calls (your bank will never ask for these details)
  • Don't perform bank transactions using public Wi-Fi
  • Prevent unauthorized access to your laptop & mobile devices
  • Don't access your bank accounts on shared device
  • Don't write your credentials in plain text on paper or on your devices
  • Don't share your transaction receipts on social media
  • Don't visit an unsecured website
  • Don't forget to log out completely from your online banking account upon usage
  • Don’t download any applications from unofficial sources, especially WhatsApp.
  • Don’t click on suspicious links in emails or text messages claiming to be from your bank. Only click on URLs that indicate the website domain.
  • Don’t keep Bluetooth and Wi-Fi ‘ON’ on your device when you're not using them as it has risk of unauthorized access.
NEVER SHARE your Card Number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password, or URN with anyone, as it can lead to unauthorised access to your account. | DIAL 1930 FOR ONLINE FINANCIAL FRAUD. REPORT ANY CYBERCRIME AT WWW.CYBERCRIME.GOV.IN | Dear Customer, in line with RBI regulation, if there are any changes/updates in the KYC documents you previously submitted with the Bank, please provide the updated documents within 30 days of such changes.