Life often throws challenging situations, maybe in the form of an unforeseen medical emergency or a sudden monetary outlay. Owning a prime asset of high value like a real estate property can work to one's advantage during challenging times, as the property can be utilized as collateral to obtain a loan and tide over prevailing financial difficulties.

Our Loan Against Property proposition enables credit facility for an extended tenure while retaining the ownership with the customer.

Winning features with real benefits

The loan may be deployed to meet diverse purposes across personal or business needs with a nil prepayment penalty.

Diverse use
Loan Against Property - Diverse Use

Obtain an upfront loan up to 65% of the prevailing value of your current real estate.

Definitive loan
Loan Against Property - Definitive Loan Value

Enjoy loans with flexible repayment structure at competitive interest rates.

Loan Against Property - Limited Paperworl

Speedy sanction with the option of loan balance transfer of an existing loan.

Quick loan
Loan Against Property -  Quick Loan Processing

Both commercial and residential properties are accepted as collateral, while you continue to retain the ownership.

Wide acceptance
Loan Against Property - Wide Acceptance Criteria

Applicable for salaried and self-employed professionals.

Loan Against Property - Wide Eligibility

Customers engaged in business operations may opt for overdraft facility against property.

Alternative borrowing
Alternative Borrowing Options

Click Here Procedure for return of original property documents to the legal heirs

We are here to assist you with all your banking needs.

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